Volume 6 Issue 3 (July - Sept.) 2023
Review Articles
Amitesh Kumar Singh, Neeraj Gandhi1, Swati, Anuradha Anand
During recent researches, male reproductive health becomes a emerging issue as increase in age. The term reproductive health refer to a condition of total physical, social and mental well being, not only absence of sickness and infirmity in all issues pertaining to the reproductive system and to its activities and processes. A study from Norway reported that the age-related frequency of testicular cancer increased from 2.7/1 lakh individuals in 1955 to 8.5/1 lakh individuals in 1992. Male reproductive disease not only caused by genetic factors like cryptorchidism and hypospadias but also got influenced by environmental, epigenetic factors. Due to male infertility, many couples lost the chance to have their progeny which is basic right of every human. To treat male infertility, homoeopathy is the most natural mode of treatment along with conventional treatment. It is also effective in increasing the production of sperm, improving sperm quality & volume.