Volume 6 Issue 3 (July - Sept.) 2023
Review Articles
Parul Soni1, Ankur, Archana, Khushboo
Health is the focus point in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda a healthy person has balance Of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala and Agni and it also include Physical, Mental and emotional health. In modern era World health organization i.e. WHO define health as a state of complete Physical, Mental and Social Wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. Healthy body has a main ingredient i.e. proper nutrition. According to Ayurveda Aahar is most important thing for healthy life. Different type of Aahar affects our physical and mental status accordingly. In Ayurveda "Trividha Upasthambha" are described as Aahar, Nidra, Brhamcharya are three pillars of Sharir and mind also. But in modern days people has lack of knowledge and hectic lifestyle due to which lifestyle related diseases are increasing. Lack of knowledge about proper Astha Ahar Vidhi Vishesh Ayatane. Ahar (food), Vidhi (method,) Vishesh (pecular), Ayatan (abode). Ashta Vidha Ahar Vishesh Ayatane includes, Prakruti (nature), karan(processing), Samyoga(combination), Rashi(quantity), Desha(place), kala(time/stage of disease), Upayoga Samstha(rule for use), and Upayokta (consumer). For example, Prakruti, each individual has a fundamental Prakruti (constitution) determined at a time of birth, and denotes his or her basic physical, physiological and psychological behavior, similarly every food items has its own Prakruti. is a Swabhava or the natural attribute or trait of a substance which inherited naturally, such as Guru(heaviness), Laghu (lightness) etc. This Aharvidhi Vishesh Ayatan concept prescribed by Acharya Charka. which involves different type of rule and regulations regarding to ingestion and preparation of food. Consideration of this concept helps to achieve nutritional value of food and provide all health benefits of ingested food.