Volume 5 Issue 3 July - Sept. 2022
Review Articles
Priya Singh, Rekha Juneja
Puberty brings a lot of hormonal and physical changes in a female’s body. The onset of menstruation marks an important developmental landmark. Although it is common for the adolescent girls to be unaware of their abnormal bleeding patterns, as it is often believed that disturbed menstrual cycles during the initial years of onset of menstruation is part of the normal process. However, any abnormal uterine bleeding can impact their long-term health even, affecting the school attendance. Menorrhagia or excessive bleeding at puberty lasting for few or more years is one such condition. The underlying factors that cause protracted menstrual cycles and profuse bleeding makes the female anaemic and have potential effects of long-term health consequences and decreased quality of life. This may also considerably affect the growing years of the female. So, during all routine visit’s general assessment of the menstrual cycle should be an additional concern to be taken care by the paediatrician. Homoeopathic approach in treating puberty menorrhagia aims to establish the normal menstruation and treat the underlying cause if any, by understanding every individual’s mind and disposition. As the homoeopathic medicines are prescribed on similarity of symptoms, the entire constitution and health of a female is improved through the correct similimum. This article is an attempt to highlight the scope of homeopathy in managing menorrhagia in adolescent girls elucidating the indications for some of the drugs from homoeopathic Materia medica.