• E-mail Id: tujhms@tantiauniversity.com
  • RNI: RAJENG/2019/77129
  • E-ISSN: 2581-8899
  • P-ISSN: 2581-978X

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Volume 4 Issue 2 (Apr.- June) 2021

Original Articles

Ascertaining the Effect of Homoeopathic Medicine in the Treatment of Chronic Cystitis in Multiparous Women

Reena Kumari, Charanjeet Singh, Vinay Kumar, Rekha Juneja

Urinary bladder inflammation is known as cystitis. Repeated attacks of acute cystitis leads to chronic cystitis. Cystitis is caused by a variety of bacterial and fungal infections. Symptoms of chronic cystitis are abrupt onset of frequency of micturition, supra pubic pain/bladder pain, intense desire to pass more urine after micturition, urgency, painful coition, pyuria, strangury. Early research suggested that the number of IC/BPS cases ranged from 1 in 100,000 to 5.1 in 1,000 of the general population. Objectives- 1. To assess the improvement in cases of Chronic Cystitis using Pelvic pain and urgency/frequency patient symptom (PUF) scale. 2. To analyze the causative factors relevant to the Chronic Cystitis in multiparous women. 3. To identify a group of most effective Homoeopathic remedies in the treatment and management of Chronic Cystitis. Material and Methods- A total of 100 Multiparous females, 30-80 years of age were selected. Software RADAR10 was used for the selection of similimum. Data analysis was done on the basis of pre and post score of Pelvic pain and urgency/frequency patient symptom (PUF) scale given by Parsons et al. Statistical tool paired t-test was applied on total score before treatment and after treatment. Result- Out of 100 cases of chronic cystitis 19 cases (19%) has shown marked improvement, 29 (29%) cases has shown moderate improvement, 34 cases (34%) has shown mild improvement and 18 cases remained status quo. A calculated value of t statistic is 8.7297 while its tabulated value at 0.05% level of significance for 99 degree of freedom is 1.980. Since calculated value of t statistic is greater than its tabulated value, null hypothesis stands rejected while alternative hypothesis is accepted, at 0.05% level of significance. Conclusion- Homoeopathic medicines have been found significantly effective in the treatment and management of chronic cystitis in multiparous women.

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